RHS, are you looking for a way to get involved? If so, flower parties sponsored by Student Assembly have started. Each grade is responsible for making a float pulled in the homecoming parade and will represent the theme, Under the Sea.
The freshman and sophomores are doing jellyfish, juniors are doing an octopus, and seniors are doing a shipwreck with a shark. Each grade is responsible for making the entire float by themselves without the assistance of parents and with a budget of $200. The entire grade has three weeks to create the entire float which is why Student Assembly could use all hands-on deck. If you want to lend a hand, make friends, and create wonderful memories you should consider attending a few flower parties to assist your class in this project.
“I like it because I get to hang out with my friends while also contributing something for the school,” junior Daniel Sikora said. Sikora has been helping contribute to the flower parties for the last three years and has been of huge help with creating the last three floats, and specifically this year has not missed a flower party yet.
“Flower parties are a great way to meet new people and get involved with each other. You get to interact with people who you otherwise may never talk to,” sophomore Justine Brun said. This is Brun’s second year in Student Assembly. Brun also held flower parties last year at her home and the freshman float came in second place to last year’s senior float.
This year, all grades have great plans and intend on going above and beyond for this year’s floats. If you would like to get involved and make some wonderful friends and memories, please speak with sponsor Brenna Roush in room A245 for more information. Hope to see you there!