Dear Seniors, as we enter our final week of high school, I know there is a lot to think about. Many of us are getting our first jobs so we can pay for college, or trade school. Some are getting ready to travel across the world in the service, but no matter what you have on your mind, do you remember your first interaction at Roseville High School? Whether it was with a fellow student, or a staff member, whether you remember it or not, that single interaction started your personal history with the high school and the people in it. While we all worried about getting homework done, trying out for sports, making a presentation, we did not think about the connections we made through these experiences. Think back to that teacher that helped you with your essay, and eventually helped you with your college application. Think of that student that you did not know, but now is your best friend. Think of that teacher that sparked your love for cars and is now guiding you through getting your certifications. These connections, whether you remember them in 20 years or not, are the foundation to your success, not only in the career world, but in your personal world. Connections with others, emotionally and physically, are what make us human. Human connection is what allows us to learn and allows us to grow. So, remember to keep making these connections, with that professor, or that coworker, so you can continue to learn and grow from others. And in the mess of our final week of high school, and our focus of moving onto bigger things, write that teacher a thank you letter, text that friend and make plans after school ends, reconnect with your favorite cousin. Even when things are stressful, allow yourself to enjoy these friendships, because without them, where would we be? Let our connection over music, movies, literature, etc. remind us of each other, even in 10 or 20 years. So, enjoy your last week of high school, tell that teacher you appreciate them, that friend you love them, and do not forget that you do these things, because in a time of change such as this one, these connections are your rock and your support.
Human Connection
Alex McEachern, Copy Editor
May 20, 2024
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