As the new semester begins, senior graduation is slowly approaching. With only four months left, it has been a journey. Although being a senior brings me closer to the beginning of the rest of my life, there’s a bittersweet feeling of knowing the constant repetition of seeing friends, teachers, and experiencing the good that high school brings is coming to an end. So far, the experience has been a good one, getting to enjoy the overall excitement of lasts like last homecoming and the last first day.
The best part so far has been leaving my mark here at school and pushing myself to participate in things I never would’ve thought of doing before, like running for homecoming court, doing link crew, and being a part of journalism. Making plans after high school has always been a looming thought figuring out where I want my life to be and what further education I need to achieve comes with a different level of realization and maturity.
Although these last months have been nothing but bitter-sweet moments, it’s evident it’s all going to be worth it I have my plans for what’s next for me all laid out and still taking the steps to make sure I achieve those goals. Now all that’s left is to enjoy what’s remaining of high school before I’m out there on my own.