Is anyone interested in being a Link Crew leader? Link Crew is a leadership club that students enjoy. Many students in Link Crew are making remarkable progress in school whether it is with their grades or being helpful with other things. “Link Crew gave me a chance to find my place in the school and be a part of something positive that I can look forward to while being a positive example to my younger peers and mentoring them, in a sense,” Avion Johnson said.
Every couple of months the Link Crew leaders get to have a luncheon or some after-school holiday events. Link Crew held a winter holiday party for the freshmen with karaoke and refreshments. Many of the freshmen seemed to have lots of fun with the activities that Link Crew provided.
The occasional luncheons are when the members of Link Crew celebrate themselves for how much hard work they put into all the events they helped plan for the freshmen. They are treated to a nice lunch and talk to their fellow members during their lunch. Being a Link Crew leader can be a lot of fun, and if you are going into your sophomore, junior, or senior year then feel free to speak to the advisors Jamie Saric, Reed Stevens, Joshua Kovach, and Angela Houghton about joining Link Crew.