Last week on Thursday, March 13th, National Honor Society had another successful induction ceremony, inducting thirteen new members. The induction ceremony is to celebrate the new, incoming members and give them a proper welcome. The incoming NHS members walked across the stage and shook the President of NHS’s hand, Brian Blackmon. They also signed their names into the NHS book, to finalize their membership. This is our two NHS sponsors, Samantha Jordan and John Czech’s, final induction.
After this year, they will be handing the program over to Emily Collias and Andrea Burns. “Mrs. Jordan and I have mixed emotions of this being our last year as sponsors. We have been co-sponsors of the National Honor Society for almost 20 years. We both decided it was time for some new blood, with new ideas to oversee NHS. We believe Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Collias will be great replacements and lead NHS for many years to come,” Czech said. The returning members gave out refreshments, cake, helped set up, and called people onto the stage. After inducting our new thirteen members, there is now a total of 38 NHS members.