New Year’s resolutions are a timed tradition, offering an opportunity to reflect on what we could do better from the last year, and to set intentions for the year ahead. Representing a fresh start, to realign with our goals, and a commitment to better improve ourselves. Jan. 1 is our first step into the new year that we come into with high hopes and aspirations. The new year symbolizes a clean slate, inspiring people to leave behind past mistakes and focus on the future.
What makes New Year’s resolutions so powerful is the hope and motivation they bring us. They help us stay grounded and show that there is always room for improvement. Some resolutions include weight loss, healthier habits, and even religious goals. Seeing friends and family embrace their flaws and work on themselves creates a space to influence others to do the same.
“We all get the exact same 365 days, the only difference is what we do with them,” Hillary Depiano said on Pinterest.
Students at RHS also have resolutions or goals for 2025, such as keeping their grades up, and trying new sports or activities. “My new year’s resolution was to get an offer for football, and not even a week into the new year I got my first offer from Miami Ohio University,” Samuel McGrath said when asked about his New Year’s resolution.