Freshmen fears


Karli Obriecht, Layout Assistant

Entering high school for the first time can be scary for some students. There are regular fears, such as getting lost. Then there are different fears that you probably will laugh about later on. All of this can be summed up into one category: Freshmen Fears.



“I was afraid of bullying in high school. A lot of people are nice, but some are mean,” freshman Elizaveth Martinez said.



“I was afraid of not being able to find my classes, but I found them,” freshman Christian Abriel said.



“I was scared of getting lost. My last school didn’t have an upstairs,” freshman Brittany Woodward said.



“Last year, I was scared of making a fool out of myself. I didn’t want to run into a door while talking to my friends,” sophomore Brittney Saltsgaver said.