Graduation requirements change

October 15, 2014
The requirements for graduation will change drastically after the class of 2015 graduates. The biggest change is coming to the required amount of credits those students who are grades 10 and 11 now, which is 32 ½ credits, and with the requirements of underclassmen having two years of a foreign language, students now can take one year of language, and now they can substitute the second year with a CTE class.
It wasn’t always like that though. Eight years ago, the state of Michigan added the two years of a world language and adding math and science portions of the requirements, which caused RHS to change their requirements for graduation as well.
The state soon realized that there were not enough graduating students who were going in tech related fields such as auto mechanics, building trades, drafting, machine trades, and woodworking. Therefore, the requirements to graduate changed again, now allowing students to replace a full year of foreign language with a tech related course, such as the classes listed above, with these requirements changes, it allowed the students to learn different things , it also allowed students to broaden their interests in other classes besides just being stuck with the required classes.
“The state is reluctant to admit their mistake,” principal Pete Hedemark said.