Monochromatic Monday kicks off Spirit Week

Kelsey Jackson, Staff Reporter

During spirit week students celebrate their school pride by participating in activities related to the school’s sports teams, wearing school colors and competing in spirit week competitions. Spirit week is usually held the week before the school’s Homecoming, but any week of the year can be used. This gives students the opportunity to be creative with their outfits while also showing class pride.

“ I was really excited for spirit week. Though I’m more excited for summer vacation to start, then i can hang out with my friends and do what I want,” sophomore Jonathan Sturgis said

On Monday, June 3, RHS kicked off its final spirit week just before summer vacation. Monday’s theme was monochromatic, which means that each grade was designated one specific color. The freshmen wore pink, sophomores wore orange, juniors wore yellow, and teachers wore green. All the classes are competing to see who has the most spirit, so good luck to all the classes!