Familiar name takes over JV soccer
Coaches Brad VandeVorde and Katie Scheff are ready to start off the season with a swift kick.
March 31, 2015
The game seemed like it would never end. The rain poured down onto the field. Tension surrounded each and every one of the players. The defense players pounded and pushed themselves into the opposing team giving everything they had so the other team could not score. Roseville gets the ball. Dribbling through the puddles to midfield, the defense player passes the ball up to one of the forward players. Over the players shouting on the field, you could hear the coach yelling from the sidelines.
“Move! Get the ball to the goal! Shoot! Shoot!”
The forward players pass the ball back and forth, dodging the opposing left and right using all their strength to get the ball to goal. The opposing keeper gets in her stance waiting for the ball to spring towards the net. She is ready, or at least she hopes she is. The forward player gets to the goal and prepares to shoot in the split second that she has to get ready.
“Man on! Man on!” the coach said from the sidelines.
She shoots. The ball flies through the air hurtling towards the net. The opposing keeper jumps to catch the ball and it slips through her gloves. The ball slams its self into the back of the net. The Roseville girls’ soccer team wins the game. This may have turned out a different way; if it had not been for the coach, the player may have never seen the opposing team member approaching them. Who is this coach?
As the RHS girl’s soccer team season began, a change in coaches has occurred. A brand new coach has joined the RHS staff and one has left the coaching position. English teacher Joanne Trembath decided to step down from her position as the varsity soccer coach. Soccer coach Brad VandeVorde has stepped up from his position of the girls’ junior varsity soccer coach to the girls’ varsity coach. Trembath will still assist in coaching during the season.
“I was really sad when I found out she was leaving. She was a great coach and a lot of the girls are going to miss her,” VandeVorde said.
So, who is this new coach? Taking over as the new junior varsity soccer coach is assistant principal Gary Scheff and English teacher Ann Scheff’s daughter, Katie Scheff. Scheff currently works at Huron Park Elementary in the Special Education kindergarten room.
“I’m really excited to get back into soccer and take the next step by coaching since I can’t play anymore,” Scheff said.
Scheff has been playing soccer for 17 years, and she used to play for the Michigan Gators in Shelby Township, MI. She continued her sports career and played at Tiffen University in Ohio.
“At the university, the position I played was a forward and then I switched positions and became a sweeper. I prefer forward. I like scoring the goal, but I liked them both. They were both fun,” Scheff said.
Scheff sees herself as a tough but friendly coach due to her influence of tough coaches. She is hoping to provide a tough but enjoyable atmosphere to the team she coaches this season. Both coaches state that conditioning has been going very well so far and are looking forward to what each person has to offer this season.
“I’m looking forward to the start of the season and getting these girls to play for each other,” VandeVorde said.
Currently, the teams are being formed and practicing for the start of the season. The first game is April 1st against Sterling Heights.