Five minutes with Mrs. Boss

Courtney Hietikko

Our accounting clerk, Kelly Boss, is very loyal to RHS.

Alana Carl, Staff Reporter

Kelly Boss is the accounting clerk here at RHS. She collects fundraising money for things such as apparel and supplies for our school. Before coming to work here at Roseville High School, Boss was an office manager for a roofing company for 12 years.

 “I love working here at RHS,” Boss said.

She loves both her fellow staff members, and the money she works with. Boss is not the only member of her family that has worked at RHS. Boss’ dad, Bernie Nummer taught here at RHS for 35 years as a drama teacher.

Boss has been around Roseville since her childhood years. Her favorite thing about Roseville is all the people that surround her every day.

 “There’s never a down moment,” she said. Boss explains that everyone is fun and goofy in their own way.

Boss’ least favorite thing about Roseville is how Malek El Cabob burned down, because it was her favorite restaurant.

Boss has been married to her husband Mike, for seven years. She has two daughters, a son in law, and three step sons. One of her daughters even lives in South Africa with her husband. When Boss is not working, she is either reading or cooking. If you haven’t already met Mrs. Boss yet, she is located in the main office in the supply room.