Don’t forget the turkey!
Elijah Davis and Josh Rolder tries to get Jenna Stanley in the Christmas.
November 26, 2014
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christ…” No! It’s only November! What about Thanksgiving? Has America forgotten the first feast? Thanksgiving is becoming a pre-black Friday. Can you really live without the mouth watering turkey, squishy stuffing, smooth mashed potatoes, and the soft biscuits? I didn’t think so.
To most people the only holidays later in the year are Halloween and Christmas: free candy and presents. One of the reasons Thanksgiving is forgotten is that you aren’t receiving anything for free. There’s only food and being around the ones you love for a day. Halloween and Christmas is a suspenseful time of year. What am I going to get? Is there going to be good candy? How many presents am I getting? With Thanksgiving, you know what you are getting: food. It’s not very exciting unless you love food. And don’t even get me started on Christmas music.
A few days after Halloween, Christmas music begins to play. “Jingle Bells”, “Holy Night”, “Rudolph the red nosed reindeer” and many more are broadcasted on radio stations like 100.3 WNIC. I don’t want to know about Santa coming to town and how many times he has checked his list. Chestnuts roasting and the cold weather are not on my mind. Rudolph can wait a few more days to shine his light. America needs turkey. Christmas music can provide a yearning sensation for the snow filled season. It makes you want to go sledding and decorate a Christmas tree, but can it wait another month? The festive music should begin to play in December. Playing Christmas music that early is like throwing the turkey under the bus.
“It’s okay sometimes. If they play Christmas too early it makes me mad. It’s just too early,” Sophomore Rose Frescura said when asked what she thought about Christmas music.
Christmas music is a cheery way to brighten your spirits during the cold holiday season, but it shouldn’t be played too early. Spend Thanksgiving surrounded by people you love and don’t rush into Christmas too much. Have fun this holiday and don’t forget about the turkey. Gobble! Gobble!