RHS athletic field named after Roseville board member
Bob Eineicher plaque located by the football field.
November 19, 2014
Roseville High School’s football field is now known as the Bob Eineichner Memorial Field in honor of a long time Roseville resident since 1972 and school official who passed away in October of 2012. It was named after a man who was very involved in the Roseville school district for 30 years and his passing left a large panther paw print on the city of Roseville’s heart.
Bob Eineichner has been involved in the school system for a long time. He first became involved when his four children began going to school. When he was given the opportunity to join the school board, he jumped at the chance.
“He knew he could make a difference in his children’s schooling,” Eineichner’s oldest son, Michael, said.
Eineichner was on the Board of Education for 23 years. He held almost every position from treasurer to vice president. Before he was a board member, he worked at AT&T, was a parents’ club member at the high school and Patton Elementary, was on the VFW Board for 11 years, was a member of the PTO and the Booster Club, and he also coached children in a variety of sports.
Eineichner made a large impact on all the students in the auto shop program. While he volunteered in the auto shop, he worked at Roy O’Brien Ford. Michael believes that his father brought O’Brien Ford and the school together to work on projects and activities they do now. Eineichner used to volunteer every Thursday at the Drive Program here at the high school.
The family was surprised and honored that the football field was being named after their father and husband and they appreciated it.
“He had a lot to do with the football stadium and the grounds out there coming to what they are today. He put a lot of time and effort into improving sports fields. A vision of his, for a long time, was to see class A sports fields in Roseville,” Michael said.
After he resigned from the school board, he was the bond coordinator for the schools. He was in charge of all of the new construction in the Roseville Community Schools district. One of his final projects was overseeing the development of the football field, and was proud of the way it turned out.
Overall, Eineichner was a kind, dedicated man who rarely seemed stressed. He loved what he did and he achieved a lot for the school district. He is honored on a plaque that stands tall on a rock outside of the football field for everyone to see as they enter for events.