Flight of the Türkiye

Thomas Owens, Staff

Many observers think that the political opposition in Turkey has its best chance yet of unseating the long-time leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in May’s presidential election. The economy used to be one of Erdogan’s main selling points, but it’s struggled for years now, and inflation just keeps going up. The opposition – in all its many different forms, including defectors from among Erdogan’s closest allies – has come together in the past few years, and scored some notable victories, such as in the 2019 mayoral races in Istanbul and Ankara. And last month’s devastating earthquakes, which killed more than 45,000 people in Turkey, have led to questions over the government’s response, and the seemingly lax enforcement of housing regulations that are believed to have led to the collapse of surrounding infrastructure. the events of the past week may help explain some of the reasons why the opposition has landed so few serious blows against Erdogan and his AK Party in two decades of parliamentary and presidential elections. At first it seemed that six opposition parties were in agreement over their candidate for president, however the 74-year-old economist isn’t said to be the most charismatic guy, and he’s overseen the party’s electoral losses in the last decade and as a member of the Alevi religious minority, he probably won’t appeal to many Turkish nationalists. Still, a unified opposition ought to give him at least a fighting chance of getting over the line. But then Meral Aksener, leader of the opposition’s main nationalist bloc decided that Kilicdaroglu wasn’t up to the job. Many have wondered whether Aksener’s play weakened Kilicdaroglu Or has the eventual demonstration of public unity strengthened the opposition. One common thing has been continuous on the many people Who’ve put two cents on the matter.don’t write off Erdogan just yet.”