Senior Sunset

Senior Sunset

Jenna Neville, Staff Reporter

On Tuesday, May 17, all seniors gathered to celebrate one of their last days together. 

Everyone is so thankful to the teachers who were kind enough to set this event up for them. The event was hosted by English teachers Eric Mattison and Kaila Brewer, and social studies teacher Emily Collias.  

Seniors were handed balloons to write wishes for their futures and release at the end of the night.  

“I wrote something honoring my position as an editor of the yearbook. It is something I hold very dear to my heart throughout my senior year,” Meghan Gannon said.  

Senior Class President Chayla Calloway gave a speech during the sunset addressing her hopes and aspirations for her classmates.  

“I was so nervous to do my speech at first, but I think I got my point across to the seniors,” Calloway said  

  Thank you to all the students who showed up to participate in one of our last events. Don’t forget to attend the senior barbeque, prom, and graduation to wrap up the end of the year.