Class of 2022 news and updates

March 23, 2022
The year is beginning to come to an end as the third quarter wraps up, and the end of the year for seniors is quickly approaching. Senior activities bring the last day of school, prom, graduation, and an all-night party.
The last day of school for seniors is May 18. Traditionally, seniors’ last day is a half day, so a shorter day is automatically expected. By default, an early release falls on that day, but an announcement has not been made.
“I’m excited, but I also know I will be emotional. Not only emotional because of the feeling of letting go, but also the feeling of moving on,” senior Jenna Neville said.
Prom is scheduled for May 19, at Vintage House from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. The theme for prom is “Rose Masquerade”. Senior prom is being planned by the juniors of Student Assembly, or “Junior Prom Committee”.
“We created a poll and asked seniors what they would like to see, and then let the senior class vote on what they wanted for their theme. Right now, we are looking for decorations we can buy or possibly create. We are also trying to figure out what the set up may be, and how to make it look as nice as possible,” junior prom committee member Mackenzie Hubbard said.
Graduation will be held at Bethesda Christian Church on May 24. Many seniors are excited to have a traditional graduation after two years of adjustments due to Covid.
“I am so happy we can finally get back to some normalcy. We deserve to have a normal graduation,” senior Madison Covill said.
The Senior All Night Party is also scheduled for May 24. As of now, details are yet to come, but a night to remember is expected. Specifics have not been released for a lot of these events, but as they come, updates will be made.