Mask Mandate

Olivia Gordon, Staff Reporter

As the COVID-19 cases continue to rise once again, the mask mandate is back in place until the end of the semester (Jan. 28) for Roseville schools. Masks are required for all students and staff and for anyone who comes in to watch sports games.  

“Yes, I think masks are necessary for everyone to keep everyone safe,” senior Sara Poulsen said. 

Superintendent Mark Blaszkowski sent out an email on Jan. 4. This email states that we need to keep practicing good personal hygiene at home and at school to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.  

“Some students are not taking it seriously; a lot of students keep their masks under their noses and that doesn’t do anything, and I know they had better science teachers than that.”Mrs. Collias said. 

Practicing good personal hygiene means washing your hands thoroughly for 15-20 seconds with hot water, monitoring your health every day, covering your cough and sneeze, and making sure you are not touching your face during the day, which will all help mitigate the spread. With that being said, continue to wear your masks and stay healthy!