Students, staff adapt to new school year

Miranda Bolinger, Editor-in-chief

This school year started out different for all students around the country. During this Coronavirus pandemic, everything has changed in the world. As the school year was cut short last year teachers, students and families tried their best to adapt. Some schools went back face to face, but for Roseville, that was not the case. Administration had originally planned to give families the choice to go back face to face or virtual. Then on Sept. 1, they chose to go all virtual until Oct. 12. A rough start is probably the right word for most students, due to technology issues, not being able to learn that well online, and many distractions at home.

“The distractions are taking a tole on me with this new school year it hasn’t been easy at all,” senior Madison Milot said.

Students are upset that things are not as they hoped but we sure are making the best of it with taking all the precautions. Sports have started and we plan on going back face to face Oct.12. Technology issues are one of the biggest problems we are having this year whether it be teachers or students. Some of the many problems with virtual learning is a poor internet connection, and troubles with maneuvering Microsoft Teams and Schoology. Teachers are trying their best to make things work for students.

“The hardest thing is for the teachers to teach both face to face students and virtual students at the same time. Nobody has done it before, so we are trying to help each other out to make it the best experience possible,” Dr. Adams said.

A new creative way Roseville has adapted to online learning is Flex. Flex is a new program introduced this year to replace B.R.I.C.K. It gives students time with their teachers if they need any help with anything from technology issues to assignment questions. Many students find it hard to learn and comprehend things online and need in person teaching. Hopefully, that will not be the case after Oct. 12. when some students return to school. A lot of distractions come with at home learning including younger siblings, electronics, friends, and sleeping when doing school from home. Many parents must work so older siblings either must watch or teach their younger sibling. Also, sleeping has become a big problem. Students see the opportunity to sleep in, but sometimes that results in missing classes.