Boys varsity swim team welcomes new coach
December 13, 2019
On Thursday, Dec. 12, the boys varsity swim team swam against Port Huron at their first home meet. With their new coach Shannon Chapp, the boys dove in head first with positive mindsets.
Chapp is a teacher at Roseville Middle School and brand new to coaching. After she heard her previous students say they need a new coach, she stepped up for the community and took the opportunity for a new job . Even though she never swam competitively, Chapp quickly became lifeguard certified. The hardest challenge she faced was trying to remember all the rules and technicalities within the strokes. In hopes to make swim a more respected sport, Chapp wants the boys to have fun while training to make sure they win divisions. “She radiates positivity towards us and makes us realize it’s more than winning,” junior Taylor Collins said.
Even though the team lost 62-98, there were plenty of tight races and personal records. Senior Zachary Flicker placed first in the 100 yard backstroke and third in the Individual Medley (I.M.). Junior Lucas Horsley got second in the 200 freestyle relay and pulled third in the 100 breaststroke. Freshman Austin Barnett secured a whopping 0:28 in the 50 yard freestyle bringing in points for fourth place and got second in the 500 yard freestyle.
The next swim meet is Thursday, Dec.19 at 6p.m. at home vs. Marine City. “I want to push myself to be a better coach. I’m going to build this team up and help them win,” Chapp mentioned.

Coach Shannon Chapp pep talks senior Zachary Flicker during the meet.

Junior Lucas Horsley “taking his mark” before the 100 yard backstroke

Freshman Austin Barnett swimming in the 500 yard freestyle.