Freshman shows act of kindness
Freshman Jujuan Ford gives freshman Elijah Wilson a pair of shoes.
October 31, 2019
On Friday, Oct. 25, freshman Jujuan Ford wanted to help and give freshman Elijah Wilson another pair of shoes. Ford went up to Jamie Saric’s class and pulled him out of class, Ford then opened his backpack and gave Wilson a pair of golden Nike Air Force Ones.
At first, Ford went to Chrystie Hodak and wanted to give him another pair of shoes, and so she wanted to see him give them to Wilson.
“I know how rough it can be, and I just want you to have these,” Ford said. Ford cleaned them up for him, and asked if a size seven would fit. Also, he tried to find new laces, but could not find another pair of gold ones.
“I feel good about getting a pair of shoes,” Wilson said.
“I wanted to record this for others to see because there’s so much negative circling around us. I’m hoping others will follow suit and spread some positive love, in hopes for a positive change,” Hodak said.
“This is what’s needed to continue to strengthen the positive culture in this school. It was amazing to see this,” Vernard Snowden said.
They exchanged a handshake, a hug, and Wilson said thank you.