Teacher Michael Zimmer named principal of Dort Elementary
Former teacher Michael Zimmer getting ready to say goodbye to RHS.
December 20, 2018
Today, Thursday, Dec. 20, is the last day working at RHS, and as an educator in general, for now former teacher Michael Zimmer. After this winter break, he will start his new position as the principal of Dort Elementary. As much as he loves RHS, Zimmer decided it was finally time to move up in the school district and make an even bigger impact in kids’ lives.
Zimmer has been a teacher here at Roseville for 17 years and specifically at RHS for 12 years. Known especially for teaching physics, Zimmer has for so long been a well-known and cherished teacher by the staff and students alike. Fellow science teacher John Reinowski says he will miss Zimmer dearly but wishes him the best with his new job.
“He’s a one of a kind teacher and has been a role model for me ever since I met him,” junior and student of Zimmer Michael Aliotta said.
However, Zimmer offers more to the community than just being a dedicated teacher—he is the head of the science department, one of the leaders of the B.R.I.C.K. committee, the teacher-in-charge for when all of the principals are away, has coached 19 seasons of multiple different sports in the district, and he runs Link Crew, one of things he is most proud of being involved in. Ever since Link Crew started about two years ago, Zimmer knew that he was running something that would make a huge impact on the future of RHS students.
“We’ve laid the foundation on what I think is going to be absolutely great in the future… I think [Link Crew] is going to be my legacy,” Zimmer said.
He has also served as summer school administrator for two summers and has recently completed his education specialist degree from Oakland University this past summer where he has learned strategies and techniques on for achieving a genuinely successful school.
It was only a little over a week ago when Zimmer found out he got the position as principal at Dort. Although he has a special place in his heart for RHS, Zimmer is looking forward to the branching out and being able to make more direct changes to help the kids of Roseville. His main goal is to make sure the kids have smiles when they come into school and smiles when they leave.
With all the leadership roles he has taken and everything he has learned from his fellow staff members and principals, Zimmer believes he is prepared to make an immense difference at Dort.
“Thank you to everyone, both the students and the staff, for everything,” Zimmer said.