So long to the 2017-18 school year
June 13, 2018
First we said our goodbyes to the class of 2018 and it is now time to say goodbye to each other…for the summer at least. This year we were introduced to a new class called B.R.I.C.K., which has began to and will continue to build relationships in and out the classroom, a new hall of fame representing many admirable athletes such as Harry Sullins and Rich Maloney, and most recently a 58.6 million dollar bond, which will only lead to more upgrades in the near future. These upgrades including a turf football/soccer field, a new and improved security system, and brand new elevator, along with many more highly anticipated improvements to make RHS a better place for its faculty and students.
This year held many achievements in athletics in addition to multiple scholarly ones. On the athletic side of the fence, the R.E.S.T club continued to amaze in their various competitions, the boys varsity football team took a trip to the playoffs and unfortunately lost in the first round, but we are all proud of them for setting a standard for the next years to come on the football field. The symphonic choir crew also showed their amazing straight ones at the choir festival and making a trip to states.
New staff members have completed a full year and are ambitious to come back and make improvements to their teaching and the school.
“After being here for two years I am excited to see this school grow and improve,” sophomore Javon Osterhout said.