Students, staff show patriotism for USA day

Sam Averitt, Web Managing Editor

Spirit week continues today with USA day. This theme is especially fitting as today Roseville residents are to vote on the Roseville Community School’s bond proposal.

Many students and staff members showed their school spirit as they dressed up in their best red, white, and blue outfits.  Some people did not just dress in the American flag colors, but also some American symbols. Senior Katrina Archambault dressed as the Statue of Liberty. Some showed their spirit while wearing patriotic tutus, face jewelry, and even body paint.

Many students enjoy spirit days and have fun going all out.

“I love dressing up for spirit days,” junior Sierra Harvey said.

“I love participating in spirit week because it gives me the chance to stand out,” senior Valencia Martin said. “I love seeing what everyone comes up with.”

Spirit week will continue on Wednesday with “Where are you Wednesday?” or Camo Day.

“I am very excited for tomorrow because you won’t see me,” Martin said.