Symphonic choir earns one at solo and ensemble festival

Symphonic choir girls posing after their one.

Roqaiah Odeh, Copy Chief

Our clubs and certain classes in school sometimes compete to show their talents and what they’ve practiced for. Our symphonic choir competed on Jan. 12, at Chippewa Valley high school against schools from all over the county. They have received awards in the past at many previous festivals  and this one was no surprise considering how well they did. The win made them eligible to go to states. The choir practiced everyday in class and sometimes after school. Earning a one was very rewarding for them and shows that their hard work was worth it. They hope to continue to practice to keep up the good reputation.

Every school sings two songs of their own and gets judged on how well they did. The symphonic choir sang The Call of The Flowers by Leo Delibes  and What Sweeter Music by John Rutter.  After they performed, they listened to other choirs perform and their own soloists. At the end of the event, everyone got their medals and took pictures and were very proud to qualify for states.

“I’m glad to see the improvement from the classroom to the stage and see it come to life,” junior Sierra Harvey said.

“I’m thankful for Tina Collins and Debra Churchill for helping me perform so greatly,” senior Dionandre Monette said.