The word ‘planet’ to receive new definition

Karli Obriecht, Section Editor


Most people are familiar with the solar systems eight planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, along with the dwarf planet, Pluto, which is no longer labeled as a regular planet in the solar system.
A new animation was developed by scientists that go past Pluto into the Kuiper Belt. According to the animation, dwarf planets may out number regular planets tenfold or more. Pluto was first declared not a planet because of the discovery of Eris. The solar system object was 27 percent bigger and due to that, some scientist believed Pluto was just too small to deserve the title. Many scientists and the public disagree with the action.

Because of the thousands of masses farther away that are still orbiting our sun, the definition of ‘planet’ is being re interpreted. If a object is big enough, mostly round and is not fusing gas, like the sun, it could be deemed a planet. Most of the discoveries will have to happen through high power telescopes and spacecrafts. If everything is going the way it is supposed to, our solar system could welcome thousands of planets to the family of eight.

According the Business Insider, Pluto, Eris, Ceres, Makemake, Haumea, and five others are definitely dwarf planets, thirty are most likely dwarf planets and another 85 are possibly dwarf planets. Scientists are still searching and more planets will be categorized later on.