Roqaiah Odeh
The year of 2016 is coming to an end. Even though the year will be over, we will still take the memories and experiences with us forever. Students shared their favorite memories with the Panther Prowl:
“My favorite memory of 2016 is when my older brother came home. He is a professional wrestler and lives in Florida, so I don’t get to see him too often. It was really nice to have him back for a while,” sophomore Jade Danhausen said.
“Prom was my favorite 2016 moment, not because of the dance, but because I like dressing up and we got a limo,” senior Madelyn Kay said.
“I really enjoyed the grad parties this summer,” junior Michael Laneberger said.
“Camping at Lake Huron Camp Ground was really fun,” senior Jordan Huggler said.
“This year’s homecoming was pretty fun,” juniors Madison Nassar and Ashley Fasseel said.
“I think the float parties were the most fun part of this year,” freshman Chloe Leblanc said.
Some of the best memories are the ones we share with friends. Students told about their favorite moments with people they love:
“Our daily bike rides to 7-Eleven were always the most fun,” sophomore Ashley Piekutowski and freshman Summer Smith said.
“This summer I went to Cedar Point with my friend Maleek Minor,” sophomore Jayla Sudduth said.
“My friend and I made a Rubic’s cube for blind people, so they could enjoy the same things we do,” freshmen Brandon Oliver and Hunter Mohn said.
“My favorite memory was my sweet 16 with my friends, we had a great time,” junior Candice Smith said.
“One of my favorite memories from this year, is when I went to Costa Rica,” junior Brenda Rodriguez said.